LovattFoundation.Org, led by Fiona Lovatt, is an international collaboration among ordinary people who want to make a difference – with love and without receiving payment for their time or effort.
Through Fiona, a New Zealand educator and poet, the foundation delivers small-scale projects that aim to change lives, one at a time. She began the foundation from a simple Northern Nigerian base in Kano, a 1000 year old city. For the five years she lived in a co-operative with young almajirai (students) responding to the needs of those who live on $1 per day (or less).
Fiona’s personal possessions fit into one suitcase. Without an office or vehicle the circle of friends who join in from afar are assured that every dollar they contribute serves the intended purpose. Trees, literacy, boreholes, displaced people, vulnerable children, widows, patients,… Fiona has served communities across a decade and five states in Nigeria.
More here: http://wellywoodwoman.blogspot.co.nz/2014/08/kano-life.html
Priority Appeal
Please consider this appeal when you donate today
Ways to donate
You can give to key projects today by using the project name as identifier. If none is mentioned we will allocate your gift to where need is the greatest.
Current Priority Fundraiser: Borehole Repairs Learn More
US, Europe & Australia: Wise.Com or NZ Bank Acc
While Wise.com suspends transfers to Nigeria we use a NZ account:
Account Name: Fiona Margaret Lovatt
Account Number: 01-0338-0054444-000
Swift Code: ANZBNZ2
e-mail: fiona@lovattfoundation.org
Bank Transfer Within Nigeria:
Bank Name: Ecobank
Account Name: Fiona Margaret Lovatt
AccNumber: 561 300 2732 Sort Code (Routing No): 050 120 639
e-mail: fiona@lovattfoundation.org
Just some of our Supporters
that have contributed to

Ongoing: Support Orphans (food, clothes, school fees)

Malaria treatments

Assisting IDPs

Small student grants

Shoes, socks & blankets

Medical devices (e.g. crutches)

Rainy season roof repairs for widows

ICT scholarships

Ongoing: Repair boreholes

Purchase books

Fund surgeries

Fund & mentor community teachers

Help host families that raise orphans

ICT data bundles

Workshops: nutrition, sanitation, first aid

Professional development: Teachers

Ongoing: Plant trees & create an edible forest

Disaster & emergency help

Ongoing: Create micro businesses

Small scholarships

Urgent repairs

Welfare packages for multiple births

Centres for accelerated literacy

Stationary, art & school supplies

and founder Fiona Lovatt
Activism is my
rent for living on
the planet.
alice walker

Activism is my
rent for living on
the planet.
alice walker

A suitcase, an internet connection, and correspondence with fantastic friends around the world are all that I travel with.
I’m Fiona Lovatt. I am a New Zealand poet and teacher who has been based in northern Nigeria since 2011.
Lovatt Foundation .Org became the umbrella for a group of small-scale Nigerian community projects, an online base for our current supporters around the world and those who would like to get involved to get updates on projects, collaborate, seek advice for their own projects, or donate to ours.

How it began
A timid traveller and humanitarian, I initially picked a destination that had to be in the English-speaking world, in need of an experienced educator or even a pair of hands and, most of all, to be behind the media headlines of crisis and carnage because I, like so many others, wondered, “What can I do?”.
Kano became my home away from New Zealand. As I made use of the page on Facebook to share the stories and realities of life among the talakawa (the masses) in northern Nigeria friends were moved by the scenarios. They joined me in their own quiet ways, delighted that funds and ideas could go so far and that 100% of what is received is used for the purpose named by the donor. Our engagement has spread across Kano, Jigawa, Niger and Borno states with much of our work currently centred in Maiduguri where the greatest impact of Boko Haram has been felt.

Please email Fiona to arrange a call due to intermittent signal and service.